

Alan Barthelmess
Where did this semester go? It always seems like time is just flying by, and there is never a quick break for you to catch up. Just the other day it felt like it was still the beginning of the semester, until someone reminded me that we only had a handful of weeks left until the end of the semester.

So, of course that means it is time to start planning ahead for next semester. For all the avid skiers and snowboarders out there, remember there is a downhill skiing and snowboarding class on Tuesdays that is attendance-based. You get credit for skiing all day; I cannot think of a better class, to be honest. However, it’s time to start thinking proactively and look to the future.
There is a new program on Oredigger web called CAPP. This program looks up all the required classes you need to complete your major. This should help make life a little easier for you. All you need to do is try to make a fairly less hectic schedule for the upcoming semester that’ll allow you to enjoy the snow while it is still here.
A good way to sign up for class is to first figure out a schedule on your own, and make sure you choose all the required classes. Next, e-mail your student ID number, your pin for Oredigger web, and the schedule you made to your advisor. This way is easy and doesn’t require an actual meeting if you cannot find the time. If you don’t want to do it this way, make sure you know your advisor’s office hours, and schedule a meeting with them at a time that’s convenient for you; make sure to know a little beforehand about which classes you want to take next semester. The end of this semester is nearing, and it’s time to get ready for finals as well.

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