
5 Things Students Can Do In Butte

It has been suggested that Tech Students are sometimes known for being heavy drinkers. Some may have retaliated by claiming there is nothing to do in Butte besides getting plastered! However surprising this may seem, drinking is not the only activity Butte has to offer for students. Here are 5 easy things to do in Butte and the surrounding area:
1) Hit the Slopes:  Discovery Ski Area offers $30 lift tickets for Montana Tech’s spring break, March 10-15 for students with Diggercards.  Even if you are not an avid skier give it a try! Disco offers ski and snowboarding lessons and rentals for those who don’t have their own equipment or who are not as confident on the slopes. A day of skiing is a good opportunity to get outside and to get active. 

2) Go Bowling: Bowling might seem like a lame idea at first, but it always turns out to be fun! Get together a big group of friends and head over to one of Butte’s multiple bowling allies. Buy some pizza and turn on Sport Center as you bowl. You may not be the Dude from the Big Lebowski, but it still could be a great social activity to do with friends on a homework-free night!
3) Soak in Fairmont Hot Springs: Feeling stressed? Take a night off to soak your stress away at Fairmont Hot Springs.  It’s only about 15 miles away and only $8.75 to get in. There is even an awesome water slide! It could be an easy, quick, and inexpensive vacation from your studies.
4) Snowshoe Surrounding Trails: Bad Beaver Bikes on Park rents out a variety of snow equipment such as Snow Shoes and Cross Country Skis. Snowshoeing is an easy way to get out doors and on to the many trails our area has to offer. Hike near Thompson Park and enjoy the view of our surrounding mountains. When you come down from your cold hike, enjoy one of Butte’s best cups of coffee or hot cocoa at The Hummingbird Café (right down the street from campus)! 
5) Have a Game Night: Mario Party, Poker, Spades, Axes and Allies are just some of the fun games you can play with your friends. You name the game and make it into an evening of non-drinking entertainment. Get some junk food and participate in good humored competition with your buddies!